Help Launch the Beauty For Ashes Foundation: A Beacon of Hope

Join us in establishing the Beauty For Ashes Foundation, a new charity dedicated to empowering cancer patients to thrive beyond their diagnosis. Your contributions will support the essential startup costs, including legal paperwork and the official registration of our non-profit organization.

Important Note: Contributions to this initial phase of our foundation will not be tax-deductible until we achieve full registration. However, once registered, your initial donations will be eligible for tax deductions retroactively. This means that your early support will not only help us launch but also provide you with tax benefits once our registration is complete.

Your support will help:

  • Cover the legal costs associated with registering the foundation.
  • Lay down the administrative groundwork to launch our educational, debt relief, and self-care programs.

Together, we can build a foundation that transforms lives—turning ashes into beauty. Join us in this vital mission by contributing today!

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